By now you'll know all of the negative impacts of fast fashion, but here comes the hard part, avoiding these shops that seem to be all over the streets and invading your inbox! So the question is how do you resists the immediacy of cheap fashion with its quick highs to which many of us are addicted to?
We're all guilty of falling for cheap clothes and feeling guilty afterwards... As Elizabeth Cline said in her book 'Overdressed', "I liken my own transition from fast fashion to slow fashion as dieting, as it initially felt depriving before it evolved into a fulfilling lifestyle change". It takes time and practice but here are some things you can do to facilitate this transition.
Firstly you should remove temptation, so unsubscribe and unfollow brands that you have decided to avoid, social media marketing can be very pervasive.
Before going shopping sort out (and sell or donate) your unused clothes, after having decluttered your wardrobe you'll have a better idea of what to shop for and what you really need. Research sustainable brands (or look at the good on you brand rating), and identify places worth shopping in, those that are more ethical and sustainable, but be wary of greenwashing. When a company puts out new collections every week at low prices, it's definitely greenwashing (H&M conscious collection to name one).
When you're in shops, learn to just browse, appreciate looking at clothes without the need to always buy something. If you see something you like, keep it in mind and if you still want it within a week/month then go for it!
Don't buy into every trend! Buy things that fit your personal style not trendy items that will date quickly.
Finally, don't be hard on yourself, it's okay if you fall back sometime. Also how you buy is more important than what you buy, you shouldn't deprive yourself of anything, if you really like something and you know it's going to last and you'll wear it and love it for many years, then go for it. Sustainable fashion is all about choosing quality over quantity and avoiding impulsive purchases. Changing the way you shop will lead you to a better wardrobe and you'll no longer feel like you have nothing to wear.